
Freezers were much cheaper back then.
So what time does the movie start?
Is a puma faster than a cheetah?
Such a lovely arrangement of orange roses.
An objective third party is needed.
In no time at all the sugar cube was covered by ants.
Delicious French toast with marmalade.
We checked the motor dozens of times.
I like my steak medium rare.
Shards of glass made walking barefoot very unwise.
He's had a thirty year career in the Marines.
We couldn't go to the zoo because it rained.
It's fun to make things out of wood.


Peter J. Dellolio
Peter J. Dellolio was born 1956 New York City. He went to Nazareth High School and New York University, graduating in 1978: BA Cinema Studies; BFA Film Production. His poetry, fiction, short plays, art work, and critical essays have been published in literary magazines and journals. His paintings and 3D works offer abstract images of famous people in all walks of life who have died tragically at a young age. He lives in Brooklyn. Some of his artwork can be viewed on saatchiart.