Gravity Spores

Minsten, jaluph quee, zorth cawle rahnph zealgra stinth. Yartka ointh yapf gimn vittra? Somn clah veare clah veath. Lesh queast grau vea plah, jinshah eafe claig startha hemmneigh. Jeale oirt brank leovnah. Slaughth engringra traucht bleigg?


J. D. Nelson
J. D. Nelson (b. 1971) experiments with words and sound in his subterranean laboratory. More than 1,000 of his bizarre poems and experimental texts have appeared in many small press and underground publications. He is the author of Roman Meal (Ten Pages Press, 2011), Noise Difficulty Flower (Argotist Ebooks, 2010), and The Frankendelphia Experiment (Tainted Coffee Press, 2010). Visit for more information and links to his published work. His audio experiments (recorded under the name Owl Brain Atlas) are online at J. D. lives in Colorado, USA.