We have our cake and eat it too!
Then later, we watch a movie where poverty is
victimized by capital punishment in a car park.
There's a re-trial but it becomes paralyzed while
crooning a Perry Como of life's hard knocks. Poetry
is tenderly portrayed as having startling bravado
and everyone with a camera is either a tourist or a
voyeur. The whole town becomes partly cloudy with
intermittent light showers. Miles Davis is no cornet
player and there's a county-wide ordinance banning
the use of pink plastic flamingos as lawn decoration.
After the weekly pray meeting, stage fright seduces
the fiery sermon of a secular fundamentalist disguised
as round three. San Francisco wakes up with the Bay
Bridge in its bed and then belts out a dramatic
monologue about possible conspiracy theories. Thom
Gunn has a holster or a banana glad to see us. Life
is content to be intimidated by a colossal cleavage or
the same woman in the gorilla suit. And all the while,
the rabbi insists he has a reputation to accidentally
overdose. This movie really has the power to make
people mad. And I dare you to try and find the segue.